The world’s first Catholic children’s business fair will be held at St. John Cantius! Please come out and shop at the children’s booths and if you have budding entrepreneurial children, consider applying for them to have a business booth at the fair. They will develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day marketplace.
The Kolbe Children's Business Fair is named after St. Maximillian Kolbe a prophetic entrepreneur who launched a number of start-ups during his life with inspiration from God. His magazine venture operated on the “economy of gratitude” and grew from 5,000 a month to over 800,000 before he was martyred at Auschwitz. He was named "the prophet of the civilization of love" by Pope John Paul II and there is a movement to have him named the patron saint of entrepreneurs. The Kolbe Children's Business Fair seeks to encourage prophetic entrepreneurship and the vital role of faith in business for the next generation.
Please click the REGISTER NOW button for more information and how to apply.